
Begin your journey to crypto success at Ledger.com/start. Learn how to secure your assets and navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

What is Ledger.com/start?

Ledger.com/start is the initial setup page for Ledger hardware wallets. Ledger hardware wallets are devices designed to securely store cryptocurrency assets offline. This page guides users through the process of initializing their Ledger wallet, including setting up security PINs, recovery phrases, and installing the necessary software applications to manage crypto assets.

Is Ledger Safe to Use?

Ledger wallets are considered to be one of the safest ways to store cryptocurrency assets. They employ multiple layers of security features to ensure the safety of the assets, such as:

  • Secure Element Chips: Similar to those used in passports and credit cards, these chips add an extra layer of security.

  • PIN Code Protection: Users must enter a PIN code to access their Ledger device, providing physical security.

  • Backup and Recovery: Each device generates a unique recovery phrase that can be used to recover assets in case the device is lost or damaged.

  • Software Integrity Checks: Ledger devices perform self-checks to ensure that the software has not been tampered with.

Despite these security measures, users should remain vigilant and follow best practices for security, such as keeping their recovery phrase private and ensuring their computer is secure when managing their assets.

Last updated